Monday, June 22, 2009


Just today I recieved an email from the President himself! I'm sure everyone did, of course, but I was actually very impressed with the content. They have just launched a union-wide project called United We Serve which can be found at: You can find ways to practice volunteerism, or to have others volunteer on behalf of your self-initiated cause, anywhere in the US! Please check out this wonderful concept, and participate. The world needs more loving service, and it truely is one of the greatest things you can do for another.

Thursday, June 11, 2009


I think there should be more environ and less mental in the environmental movement. Seriously...more people would listen to the issues if there was more loving concern for the world and less hatred towards people who do not share the same views. I know people on both sides of the issues that focus more on stomping each other out, than finding a middle ground together. So next time you are thinking about going mental on someone over a hot global topic, get environ-tagious instead. You might just share some ideas that could change the world.